Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bean

 vanilla ice blended

The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is my guilty pleasure.  I've loved the taste of coffee since I was 3 or 4 years old.  My mom even gave me my own special coffee cup.  Although it was normally the tiniest bit of coffee and almost a hole cup of french vanilla International delight creamer, I always enjoyed my morning cup of "coffee".  It's definitely more of a treat than an everyday thing, if you know what I mean. The cold blend of vanilla and coffee extract just makes my taste buds happy and joyful.  It's like a little sip of heaven.


  1. Oh you know you are a girl after my own heart!
    Cheers to "the Bean"!!!

  2. This is Wendy, Gracie's mom & I feel compelled to add in that it is a DECAF,
    Vanilla Ice Blended that my girls crave & yearn for. But, I totally understand because I started to get them their own drinks when they kept drinking mine, and I was NOT getting the DECAF! I didn't want to share!
